How It Works:
When you purchase from our latest collection, RM10 from each sale will be shared with Aisyah Sofia.
Your name, as the buyer, will be proudly listed as a contributor to this meaningful campaign.
Why This Matters:
Autism awareness is not just about understanding; it's about support and inclusion. By participating in this campaign, you're helping a young artist with autism realize her potential and showcasing the power of community.
Aisyah's Artistry:
Explore the unique and inspiring artwork of Aisyah Sofia, and be part of her journey as an artist. Your purchase goes beyond fashion; it's a direct investment in her talent and dreams.
Join Us in Making a Difference:
Your involvement in #HadiahBuatAisyah demonstrates your commitment to autism awareness and inclusivity. Together, we can create a more compassionate and supportive world.
Get Involved, Make an Impact:
Shop our latest collection today and be a part of this beautiful cause. Your purchase doesn't just embrace art; it celebrates the potential of every individual, regardless of their unique abilities.
Thank you for joining us in this inspiring campaign.
Your support goes a long way in making the world a better place for Aisyah Sofia and others like her.
*Updated 29th April 2022. 10.00am